Mission of God 2024

Mon 9 Sep – Mon 18 Nov 2024 CST

Redeemer Church of Lubbock, 6402 Elgin Ave, Lubbock, TX, USA Map

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A 10-week course designed to introduce individuals to God's heart for the nations and how each person can be involved in the Great Commission.

Class Vision: To mobilize the body of Christ to understand God’s heart for all peoples, the gospel needs of the world, and the necessity of intimacy with God. We want to accomplish this in the class through education, inspiration, and application within the local church context.

Education: a biblical foundation, history of missions, missiological articles.

Inspiration: Our goal is to connect with students on a heart level through engaging speakers and presentations.

Application: Practical application steps, including spiritual disciplines, evangelism training, and cultural experiences.

Booking details

Registration type

Prices are in USD.

Who’s this registration for?

e.g. dietary (gluten intolerant, vegetarian, etc) or other requirements

How did you hear about Mission of God?

What church do you attend?

Child Care